One Young World Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship 2024
Apply now for the 2024 One Young World Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship. OYW will broaden the discussion surrounding AI and its potential use to support sustainability and urban resilience through real-world scenarios, immersive experiences, and meaningful conversations with Holcim experts. This scholarship will cover the cost of participation for an interdisciplinary group of five young leaders in the upcoming One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal as part of Holcim’s contingent. In particular, this scholarship will help leaders who are implementing interruption in one of the following fields:
- Sustainable construction using disruptive AI technologies, such as how AI and big data can improve operational efficiency, material selection, waste management, low-carbon construction designs, or low-energy buildings.
- Urban resilience enhanced by AI solutions, such as disaster prediction and response, traffic management systems, infrastructure maintenance, or climate adaptation planning. and
- Making AI’s implementations in urban development responsible, such as creating regulation and control structures and policies, fostering community engagement, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Table of Contents
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Age: Aged between 18 and 30 years old.*
- Impact: Making a positive impact in one of the scholarship’s three focus areas:
- Deploying AI technologies for sustainable construction.
- Employing AI solutions for urban resilience.
- Responsible deployment of artificial intelligence in urban development.
Scholars will receive:
- Access to the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montréal, Canada, which will take place between the 18th and 21st of September.
- Hotel accommodation in Montréal on the nights of 17th to 22nd October.
- Economy-class travel to and from Montréal as required.
- All meals provided – breakfast, lunch and dinner on conference days.
- Ground transportation required to and from Summit accommodation and the Summit venue.
- Participation in pre-programme in MontréalOpportunity to become part of the Holcim
community, strengthen their network, and the chance to engage with other passionate young changemakers. Participants will also have access to Holcim as a global business to share and materialize their projects and initiatives beyond the Summit. Holcim will assist and provide support to scholars during and after the Summit.
Application Deadline:
The application deadline is April 7, 2024.
For more information
Visit the Official Webpage of the One Young World Summit 2024 Summit Building Tomorrow Scholarship.